Hateful, Party of One

Friday, January 05, 2007


Apprently the 2007 Scott is to be more outgoing. In addition to me being hot this year (as noted in the last blog entry), I apparently am being the social butterfly this year. Last night at JR's I made two new friends. One was a couple who were at the bar, ordering drinks from Serhiy (pronounced Sergey). And this couple at the side start talking to me about how i was wearing my hat (tilted to the side). We then had a whole discussion about me being gangsta... yeah you heard that right me = gangsta... (which means lately I'm a jock and a gangsta... life is good).

Then later, some random guy wished one of the guys I was hanging out with a congratulations for graduating. Then made the joke of "High School or college?" So later when i was coming back with drinks, I stopped and told him its high school. Then we started chatting and he told me I looked 21... i love liars (so i'm a 21 y/o jock thug?) So we chatted. His name is Cory.. seemed nice. I wouldnt mind seeing him out again sometime.



  • At 2:10 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

    See, there you go. 2007 is *totally* the Year of the Scott.


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