Hateful, Party of One

Monday, March 24, 2008

last few weeks

So I know its been forever since I've written an entry. Its been a long two weeks for me and I haven't wanted to
overwhelm my blog with the negativity I'd been going through. However, its time to get on with the blog, so I
decided I will just recap the entire past few weeks of life. (no, not all is negative)

About three weeks ago I was in O-town for a wedding. One of my close friends from college was marrying a
friend of mine from high school. Ironically they didn't meet until after I moved to DC and they did not meet
through me. It wasn't until a year into the relationship before we all made the connection. I was honored to be a
part of it. Two quick stories of note:

1. I always get taken advantage of by car rental agencies when they offer upgrades. Its not their fault, but I just
can't say no...... (dramatic pause)..... (laughter). So i upgraded into a convertable. Then it rained for two days
straight and was cold. So i didnt get to use the convertable.

2. My friends didn't invite other gay people to the wedding so no hookups there... and that's what groomsmen are
supposed to do right? So I didnt expect any action at the wedding. But while I was shopping for a wedding card at
Hallmark, I did hook up with an employee... in the store... during hours. So i give them credit for that.

Upon returning, as my blog post mentions... my office is being relocated. I am starting the job search. I have
applied for 5 jobs so far and am looking for more. Let me know if you know of any. I am having a hard time
balancing school and the job search. Its stressing me horribly.. but I'll survive.

I seem to keep getting guys interested in me in restrooms. What is it with being in the bathroom and guys start
talking to me but outside they dont talk to me at all. I also ran into the coke head hookup I had... I think he
remembers me as he was chatting with me... umm don't know how to handle that at all. He works at a store I
went shopping at today. Luckily I only go in there once every couple of months.

One of my close friends is ill right now. Breast cancer. So please keep her in your thoughts and prayers.

So thats been my last couple of weeks.

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Tuesday, March 11, 2008


I thought today would be a post about the wedding I was at this past weekend and everything I did in Florida. However, D-Day has occurred. Our director informed us today that the office will be relocated on August 15th. He didn't say where yet, but there is definitely no reason to believe it will not be Ashburn, VA. For those non-DC readers I have, Ashburn VA is like 30 miles away from the city. So as of today, I begin my job search again.

If you know of one that might fit, let me know.

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