Hateful, Party of One

Thursday, January 31, 2008

birthday celebration

My birthday was this past weekend. I had a great time celebrating. I changed it up this year instead of the normal Halo til you drop evening, I chose a different bar. So we descended on Nellie's, a gay sports bar. I know I know.. A gay sports bar you say, isn't that an oxymoron? Well, yes it kind of is. They had four televisions upstairs. One had the election results from South Carolina. One had figure skating (a truly gay sport). One had a Georgetown basketball game, so I assume the people watching it were alums supporting their alma mater. And the other had some other sport where people touch a ball and run somewhere. (My knowledge of sports is astounding isn't it?).

Following that, we went to Town, the relatively new dance bar that opened up. Danced the night away, met a couple guys, you know the usual routine. Left there at about 3 am and proceeded to Annie's Steakhouse for breakfast. Yummy.

The next morning I slept til 2pm so I could sleep through my hangover. I woke up at 11 with a horrible headache and decided i didn't need to move until I was done with that pain.

A great birthday. Thanks to all those that called/ came/ or emailed.

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Wednesday, January 23, 2008

goodbye evil doing bank SOB

I know its been a long long time since i've written... My life, incredibly dull. But I do have exciting news on the personal finance front. I have paid off all of my private student loans. When in undergrad, I made the horrible horrible mistake of taking out this direct to student educational loan from a bank whose initials are WF. After years of ridiculously high interest rates (in the range of most credit cards) I am now done with that infernal bank and am glad to be done and finished with them. Luckily, I am in a position to do something about them (as a financial aid counselor) and I will certainly dissuade any student thinking about them from applying for one of those loans.

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Wednesday, January 09, 2008

political observations

Its been an exciting few days in the world of politics, and most of you know how excited I am by elections. Who knew Hillary would be able to come back that way in Iowa, or Edwards wouldn't make a real dent in Iowa. But I have some thoughts so far.

I'm glad Hillary won in NH. I will gladly support either candidate come November, but Obama needs to hone his campaigning. If he is to become the nominee (not saying he is not saying he isnt), he doesn't really have any campaign skills. He won the senate nomination after one of his opponents had to bow out after a sex scandal. His main opponent then became a guy who bowed out after a sex scandal leaving him to run against of all people Allan Keyes (who once had a great show called Allan Keyes is Making Sense... and the inside joke was he was the only one on the show who didn't make sense). So with that behind him if he had an easy coronation, he'd lose to a more skilled campaigner in the GOP side. So he needs to lose a few of these things. On the other hand Hillary needed this to get more in touch with her emotions.

Some other winners and losers:

Loser: Edwards- After campaigning for four years in Iowa, even though everyone thinks he's very nice, came in barely second place.

Loser: Romney- It sucks to be the victim of religious discrimination, but you are.... Remember that next time you oppress gay people.

Winner:Super Tuesday- Finally a chance for more than two states to select the president.

Loser- polls: they still can't get it right.

Winner: John McCain- while this may be a re-match of 2000 for him, he shows that he can still be an elder statesman

Loser- Rudy Giuliani- Technically he's not campaigned rigorously in these places, but his showings are abysmal. If Ron Paul does equally good, that doesn't say much for you chances.


Wednesday, January 02, 2008


Much like Time does its people of the year, on my really long drive back from Florida, I came up with some people/things of the year.

Runner up number 2: DP. After the Shaun episode happened a few years ago, I was missing that friend who encouraged me to be bad and misbehave. DP really filled the role this year and looks to continue to fill that role. He's definitely pushed me to being more open and outgoing and I think it shows.

Runner up number 1: Philadelphia. After opening up a job search to Philly this year and being offered three jobs, all of which ended up falling through for various reasons. But who knew that it would take the opportunity to relocate to another city to realize I was actually happy in the one that I live in.

Person of the Year: boys. Yes, i know its generic, but I feel as if 2007, I started to come into my own and make some headway with boys. I had better luck this year than I have had in the past. I could've had a relationship (albeit with a crazy). I was able to get boys and I wasn't so afraid of sex this year. 2008 only promises to get better on this trend as well.

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