Hateful, Party of One

Thursday, July 31, 2008

job karma

So in the most frustrating of times for me, I find it ironic- and this is partly the reason that I believe in god- that everyone I know has gotten a new job and I can't get anything. In the last week:

one friend is leaving my office (lucky girl)
one friend is moving to New Hampshire for a job in housing
one friend got an old job back that he wanted as a contractor for the government
one friend got a job back in her old office at a university
one friend was offered a job as an elementary school teacher
one friend moved to NYC to work in their family's business
one friend moved to LA for a new job at a university in admissions

There may be more that I can't remember right now. I am thrilled for all of my friends who are getting jobs right now and am excited that there is so much good new job karma out there right now. But I am also insanely jealous of these people. I want to know why I can't cash in on some of this job karma? Everyone else seems to be getting great offers and I can't get someone to look at me.

In fact, I was rejected for yet another job today. Associate Director of Financial Aid at Georgetown Law. Now don't get me wrong, I never expected to get the job. I had a great interview and was very impressive, but I know I overimpressed them. And I'm sure the reason I didn't get the job is because they saw me as someone who might leave after two years and they wanted someone for like 5 or 6, which they said during the interview. They did take like two months to finally getting around to rejecting me, but its still kind of demoralizing when I'm desperate to leave my office to not get a job when everyone else is getting one. Maybe this week will end incredibly and I'll get a job offer tomorrow, but I doubt it at this point. In fact, I've sort of given up all hope on new jobs at this point. To the point, I opened up to a national job search.

So keep up your hope that the good new job karma rubs off on me.


Sunday, July 20, 2008

back on schedule

The entire year so far, with all its difficulties for me, have made it hard for me to get on a good schedule... both with work, with exercise, and with school, much less a personal life. I finally feel over the last two weeks I've gotten on a good schedule with life. I've made it back to the gym on a regular schedule (and lost 6 lbs over the last week and a half--- but to be honest i had gained 15 this year so far). Work, I hope to have worked out very soon. Still doing the job search thing. I hope and have even started praying again that I can get a job offer really quickly. I have a little less than a month before I get demoted and moved to another location a million miles away.

Regardless of the crap that is happening, I'm staying optimistic, so please pray that I get a new job ASAP. I'd love to get back to having fun and happy postings on this blog.

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