Hateful, Party of One

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

On-going crazy

So I had a realization yesterday late afternoon. Boy from two posts ago isn't interested in me romantically and probably wants to be just friends. So I'm a little deflated and depressed. Just once (in a while) I'd like a guy (other than the freaks and creeps that I usually get) to be interested in more than friends. The best friend in romantic comedies really does get the short end of the stick and I'm tired of being role #2. So of course, I'm PMSing today about it. And of course, my initial reactions are to retreat into solitude. And yes, I say things I know I won't mean in a couple weeks like the phrase I said to Ruthie yesterday: "In truth, I'm not looking for new friends. I've got a good number of great quality friends already. I just don't have the energy to develop another one." And yes, before you all start yelling at me for it, I know I don't really mean that and its great to have new friends... but as nice as the other person is and as nicely as they put it, rejection is still rejection and it kind of hurts.


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