Hateful, Party of One

Monday, February 26, 2007

i'm back....(part one)

My conference is over and I'm trying to catch up with the rest of life, including what's gone on over the past few weeks. I won't post it all today, so look for updates over the next couple of days.

1. In the many tasks I took on for myself this year was to be part of this reaccreditation committee. I got put on a subcommittee that looked at Distance Education. After our first meeting, the rest of the committee checked out. I thought it would be an interesting experience to get a new perspective on accreditation, but it turned out that my group just wanted someone to do the work. What's worse is they stopped responding to my questions completely. The person who was supposed to be in charge hasn't said a thing to us since the first meeting. She hasn't even shown up for a meeting since then. When I ask the other woman a question, she says you should ask the other woman. Great two incompletent people I have to deal with. At the last meeting where I submitted a draft, she decided to nitpick, which turned me into not such a happy camper. I actually made sure I left the meeting early so I didn't have to talk to her after the meeting. I think, now that I've turned in the rest of my stuff, I am just going to make last minute excuses not to go to anymore meetings. This experience has made me not want to work with faculty ever again. At some point, they need to realize that their students are just as if not busier than they are.

2. The ESRI COnference occured this weekend. Things went off well, although we were completely overwhelmed with additional registrations (my area) that I wasn't prepared for so we ran out of every piece of material we had. Oops.. I guess there are worse problems. I was proud, if not exhausted by what we had accomplished though.

That covers the professional past week. Tomorrow/or if I get bored later today: Ruthie's boyfriend, my date, seeing the waiter out and about, and a horribly disgusting, yet hilarious gym story.


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