Hateful, Party of One

Tuesday, November 28, 2006

some good classics- 2006

Since I haven't posted in a little while, I thought I would regail my readers with some classic stories of dating from the past year. I believe I only had three dates so far in 2006 (all with different people) which brings me quite short of my New Years Resolution from last year to go on at least three dates with the same person.

The first date of the year was actually a good date. I helped this grad student at work and was real suave in picking him up. We went to a movie and then to dinner and I had a good time and thought he did too. There was talk about a second date. But then he stopped responding. Not sure why and it upset me for a while, but I've gotten over it and realized that boys just act that way sometime. I was cute that night too... his loss. This occured in April.

Second date occured July 3. We've come to call him board game guy. I met him online and it was a complete blind date. We talked online for a week before making plans to see a movie I thought he'd like and have dinner. While we were talking he said he liked playing board games, which I said was great. I like board games too. My friends won't play because they say i'm too competitive. Then he tells me he's on this website, boardgamegeek.com... which actually exists and i'm like "slightly creepy." THen he said he'd bring the board games to dinner so we can play while we eat. ummmmmm no no i can't be seen at a public restaurant playing board games. So after he kept talking more and more and more about what board games to play. So then I change the event for him to hang out at my place so i didn't have to play board games in public view. Then literally we played board games for hours and hours. It never ended. I was starving but didnt want to get food since I thought he'd want to bring a board game. That night was one that I thought would never end.

Date three was a guy I met on the corner of 17th and P. He kept looking at me and then we started talking and exchanged numbers. He was a mid 30's Asian guy, but looked way way younger. So we had Thai for dinner. And the conversation was such that I've only experienced on dates a couple of times. where he talked the entire time he talked about the places he picks up men (bars, clubs, bathhouses), how many men he has sex with, how many dates he usually has before sex (less than one). Not that I have any problems with it in someone's life, but not really an appropriate convo topic for date one. In the texting we did earlier that week, he kept bringing all this drama from his life... he quit his job right before we met, he lives with his mother, etc. So I knew it was probably only going to be one date before it happened. THen he goes on a 45 minute talk-a-thon about why we're not going to sleep together and he wanted to be my best friend... Ummm that role has been filled and there is a waiting list, quite a long one for that role. But i'll be happy to put him on the list. So I slowly lost contact with him.

On other boy news: Big head was nice to me the other night when we went out. THings might be changing. And cockblocked crush was there and friendly as well. And no drama occured afterwards. He IM'd me the other day out of the blue.... it was a short convo, but my untrusting nature is thinking what does he want. Maybe that will be part of Reinvention Scott- 2007!



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