Hateful, Party of One

Monday, August 06, 2007

drunk texting

I had a party on my rooftop Saturday afternoon, which meant I was tipsy way early and by 5 pm had engaged in drunk texting. That seemed like a good idea at the time. But turned out to be a very bad bad idea when I was sober. I decided to text waiter boy who was invited to said party, but I knew he was never going to show and about a week before hand texted me that he had to work.. big shock (input sarcasm). But when I got tipsy I started off with "I'm sorry you can't be here. hope work is fun." and ended with "your ex was stupid to break up with you." and "i heart you." The next morning when I found records of these i was like WTF did I just do???? And not like he was naked in the bed next to me, but I tipped around and tried to sneak out of my text messaging like they never happened until about 3 in the afternoon I got another text asking if i had fun last night... As Homer Simpson would say "D'OH!"



  • At 1:35 PM , Blogger blur said...

    I am far too familiar with the dangers of texting while intoxicated. Oh boy.

  • At 4:55 PM , Blogger J said...

    Yeah I think we've all been there.

  • At 7:49 AM , Blogger Twingonaut said...

    Hahaha! I laugh because I understand the pain.

  • At 4:50 AM , Blogger My adventures said...

    i've always thought there should be breathalizers on phones and blackberries to prevent that from happening... how embarrassing...

  • At 11:24 AM , Blogger Christopher said...

    Yeah, but at least now he knows that you "heart" him!


  • At 11:25 AM , Blogger Mel said...

    Been there. And I think DBV's idea is GREAT.


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