Hateful, Party of One

Monday, June 05, 2006

Gay Marriage

Another election year is upon us. How can you tell? Because Republicans start to bring out their venom and hatred. Latest case: Gay marriage. While Laura Bush may believe that this issue shouldn't be used as a political issue, we all know how effective she really is within the administration at being heard by her husband. I'm assuming it has to do with all those years of her being pregnant and barefoot in the kitchen. And while I expect the GOP to be truly evil on trying to pull families apart, I have begun to take umbrage at the Democrats who say that this isn't a real issue. Yes, I believe this is an issue to be done at the state level. But this is a real issue for gay and lesbian families across the country who are only a stone's throw from having their rights trampeled, their families outlawed, and being thrown into a camp for extermination. So when I get emails from the Democratic leadership telling me this isn't a real issue in America, I can't say I agree with that. Maybe its time to have real leadership that will unapologetically stand up for progressive and liberal issues. Until then, I will keep hanging up on whoever calls me from the DNC asking for this and that.

In other political news, I have made my first campaign donation of the year. (note: this usually dooms a candidate, as I have not sent money to a winning candidate yet in the 6 years I've been active in politics. But I recommend you take a look at Angie Paccione, who is taking on the hateful Marilyn Musgrave, who falls asleep during committee meetings as well. What a good woman she really is huh? So I encourage you to send Angie some amount of money. Every dollar helps and to get rid of the most hateful woman in college (she did start the Federal Marriage Amendment) would be a great tribute from gay America. If we can vote off Mandisa, why can't we vote off Marilyn?


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