Advice PLease
Thanks for the heads up, and thanks for the graduation congrats, and thanks for the invite to your student association's happy hour (!!!). The past couple of weeks have been hectic as all get out, so I thought I'd touch base and say that, no, I've not died. Still around, just more bookworm-y than usual lately.
Everything going well, I hope?
Keep in touch (you're better at it than I am),
Any interpretation on what that means? (I've got my thought, but will wait for consensus before I post that). How should I respond? The three options so far are: 1. forgive and invite him out again because he is being genuine in this note and I should give him yet another chance. 2. ignore him, delete it, and not respond again based on his schmuckiness that he already knows he's a schmuck and i think he's a schmuck. or 3. respond. Dear Douche-bag: "if you want to be friends, that's fine, but its clear you're just not that into me so we don't need to pretend to flirt or that there will be another date. Best of luck with epidemeology and have a good weekend
Your thoughts?